Legal Notice

beWell Lifestyle Drink Systems GmbH
Managing Director and responsible for content in accordance with § 6 MDStV (German Interstate Media Services Agreement):
Friedrich Steigler
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Weg 39
D-89075 Ulm

Amtsgericht: Frankfurt am Main
Register number: HRB 110752
Tax number: 045 229 42416
VAT ID number in accordance with § 27 a of
the VAT Act: DE316592 043

Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE56500700100033983800

The aforementioned person is the service provider, the responsible point of contact and the person responsible for journalistic and editorial content. Pursuant to § 28 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act ) I hereby refuse consent for any commercial use or reproduction of my data.


Data Protection

This declaration only applies to sites that fall within our area of responsibility. We accept no liability for any data protection violations or other infringements on other sites that are linked to ours. This site uses no cookies or other techniques to track the access behaviour of users. If you access pages of this website and are asked to enter personal data, this is your free choice. You will be informed about the purpose and use of the captured data before it is captured. When you access our site, data is stored temporarily on the server for the purpose of data security, which can, however, be used for identification in conjunction with a court order if required. Depending on the access protocol in question, the following content is recorded in the data log: IP address of the requesting computer, date and time of the request from the requesting computer, desired access method, URL from which the desired function was requested. The stored data is used for the purposes of identification and tracking of prohibited access attempts and attacks on the web server. No other evaluation occurs, with the exception of anonymised use for statistical purposes with Google Analytics. You can prevent statistical capture with Google Analytics using a browser add-on. The recorded data is stored for the period of one month and then deleted. If you send us an email, your email address is only used for the purpose of correspondence with you.

Limitation of Liability

Content of this website

The content of this website has been prepared with the greatest possible care. However, the publisher makes no guarantee on the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the provided content. Use of the content of this website is done at the user’s own risk. Signed contributions express the opinions of the individuals and may not express those of the publisher.

Availability of the website

The provider will strive to offer a seamless service. However, despite all care, there may be periods during which the website is not available. The provider reserves the right to alter or stop the service at any time.

External links

This website includes links to third-party websites (“external links”). These websites are subject to the liability of the applicable operators. When the external links were first made the publisher checked the content of the external sites for any illegal content. No legal breaches were evident at that time. The publisher has no influence whatsoever on the current and future layout or content of the linked sites. Establishing external links does not mean that the publisher has adopted the content behind the reference or the link. Continual checks of these external links without specific suspicion of illegal content is not reasonable for the publisher. However, external links known to include illegal content will be deleted immediately.

No contractual relationship

Use of the author’s website does not constitute a contractual relationship of any kind between the user and the publisher. In this respect, no contractual or quasi-contractual claims arise against the provider.

I also refer to the German Telecommunications Act (TKG) and Teleservices Act (TDG).